DISK Wars Avengers 03

Science Akira. Science.

Science Akira. Science.

Episode 3
MKV Torrent | DDL

Yeah, this is two weeks late, but here’s the good news: today is my last day of classes. So after finals and graduation next week, catching up shouldn’t be an issue.

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9 Responses to DISK Wars Avengers 03

  1. Vega says:

    Thanks guys!

  2. gingerale says:

    Thank you for your hard work! You folks are wonderful for doing this.

  3. EonWarrick says:

    Perfect, S.H.I.E.L.D. on Tuesday, Arrow on Wednesday and now Avengers for Thursday

  4. Terry Wolf says:

    Thanks a lot!! Been waiting for this 🙂

  5. Bob asker says:

    Thanks alot i had been waiting going to watch it now.by the way are you going to subs it untill the final episode iam just wondering because i like this anime and the subs is good.

  6. Tanvir Khan says:

    Thanks guys. Really appreciate your hard work on subbing this.

  7. Dan says:

    Really appreciate your work on this, I’m enjoying this series a lot and couldn’t fully appreciate it without you.

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