DISK Wars Avengers 08

Gonin sorotte, GoAvengers!

Gonin sorotte, GoAvengers!

Episode 8
MKV Torrent | DDL

And today, the set-up is complete and our heroes are finally assembled! I have no idea where the show will go now, but hopefully we’ll be seeing more heroes and villains from here on out.

Ep 7 hardsub is up as well!

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6 Responses to DISK Wars Avengers 08

  1. I wonder how many episodes they’re going to put out. At least 25, but I don’t know if it’ll be more than that. It could be one of those long-running shows, but at the same time, it could get tiring? Either way, I’m enjoying this show a lot more than I thought I would and I’m happy you guys are subbing it. 🙂

  2. Bob asker says:

    Thanks i was really was waiting for it.

  3. Kishi says:

    Thanks a lot guys! Loving this so far, surprisingly XD
    Which day does Disk Wars air in Japan, and how long do you guys generally take to sub an episode?

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