DISK Wars Avengers 23

Sponsored by CapriSun.

Sponsored by SunnyD.

Episode 23
MKV Torrent | DDL

So yeah. The Avengers are certainly seeing red after this episode. A quick note about Sunfire: Yes. He is speaking that polite. It’s actually similar to the Silver Samurai’s speech, down to the use of “sessha” to refer to one’s self.

That said, next week: CORPORATE SYNERGY!

As an aside, if you want to join us on IRC to talk about the show or whatever, we’re at #MarvelousHeros@Rizon.net

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3 Responses to DISK Wars Avengers 23

  1. aviad says:

    thanks for the ep, guardians of the galaxy..was waiting for them to pop up any other marvel series so far has them lately…I wonder why 😀
    aggressive marketing anyone?

  2. vid says:

    If this episode is anything to go by Sunfire is a fucking lame super hero.

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